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The pack to get you started. Save by buying it all in one pack. 

What's included:

Reptile One 1200x600x600 melamine enclosure, Medium Light Reflector, Lamp Holder, 100W Ceramic Globe, Thermometer, thermostat, temp gun, Downlight, Piggy Back Lead, Gut load, F10 Disinfectant,T5 Reflector Batten, Arcadia T5 24W 12% UVB Batten. All you need to do is add substrate, flair, and a baby beardie.*


*Products subject to availability, substitutions may take place if product/s are unavailable we will endevour to notify before this happens.

Please note enclosures are sold as a flat pack and must be assembled.

1200x600x600 BLK Melamine Pack

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