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The pack to get you started. Save by buying it all in one pack. 

What's included:

Reptile One 90x60x120 concrete look enclosure, Medium Light Reflector,  Lamp Holder, 100W Ceramic Globe, 100W Basking Globe, Thermometer, Inkbird thermostat, DTC-120 thermostat, temp gun, Downlight, Piggy Back Lead, Gut load, F10 Disinfectant,T5 Reflector Batten, Arcadia T5 24W 12% UVB Batten. All you need to do is add substrate, flair, and a baby beardie.*


*Products subject to availability, substitutions may take place if product/s are unavailable we will endevour to notify before this happens.

Please note enclosures are sold as a flat pack and must be assembled.

900x600x1200 Concrete Pack

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